Title: The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated Exhibition Date: 04/03/2019...
Buddhist altar copied from the Ishiyamadera Temple featuring a statue of Dainichi Nyorai (...
Buddhist monks preparing for a consecration ceremony before the opening of ‘The Tale of Genji...
(Landscape) Wide shot of the South gates of the Circular Mound Altar (Yuanqiu Tan) in the ...
(Portrait) Wide shot of path near the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) in Beijing
(Portrait) Mid shot of the entrance of the Imperial Hall of Heaven (Huang Qian Dian) in the...
(Landscape) Wide shot of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests (Qi Nian Dian) in the Temple...
(Landscape) Wide shot of people using communal exercise equipment near the North Gate of the...