People Practising Taiji Bailong Ball/Taiji Rouli Qiu near the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) in Beijing

  • People Practising Taiji Bailong Ball/Taiji Rouli Qiu near the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) in Beijing People Practising Taiji Bailong Ball/Taiji Rouli Qiu near the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) in Beijing

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(Landscape) Wide shot of people practising Taiji Bailong Ball/Taiji Rouli Qiu near the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan) in Beijing.

Henry Morton/Blue Lotus Productions
30 Mar 2015
Canon 5D MK III
Beijing, China
Asia, Beijing, China, Park, Royalty Free, Stock Footage, Stock Photo, Taiji Bailong Ball, Taiji Rouli Qiu, Temple of Heaven, Tiantan
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